Discover Flood Forecasting, Early Warning and other Flood Preparation Services
Effectively prepare with a flood forecasting and warning system developed and tested by RAB.
Flood forecasting predicts where will flood and by when. It is an estimation of what may happen, providing intelligence to responsible authorities who issue flood warnings and give valuable time for responders and the public to prepare for the event.
We can help you to develop a flood forecasting and warning system. Our flood modellers are adept at developing “real time” flood forecasting models using the Delft FEWS system. We identify river level and rainfall thresholds that provide an indication that flooding will occur and use these to calibrate early mobilisation alarms so that you can begin to prepare. We advise on contractors who install telemetry equipment and warning signage to make your flood warning system operational. We can also prepare or update Flood Response Plans, train your staff and rehearse arrangements through an exercise.
Whether your organisation operates at a regional, national or international level, we apply innovative approaches and use industry-leading technology to find solutions, build capacity and deliver significant improvements to your flood forecasting and warning systems. So no matter the requirement, the highly experienced team at RAB are able to expertly guide clients and recommend the most suitable service.
Discover more information below or get in touch now to discuss your requirements.
Learn More About Our Areas of Expertise
We identify river level and rainfall thresholds that provide an indication that flooding will occur and use these to calibrate early mobilisation alarms so that you can begin to prepare. We are experienced at applying Environment Agency flood warning guidance to identify the most appropriate method to calibrate thresholds. We primarily use historical (actual) evidence and model (hypothetical) evidence, alongside a review of topography/LiDAR data. Where there is limited historic data and modelling data, we can develop a new hydraulic model. Should a flood warning system already exist, we can reassess the accuracy of your current thresholds, providing you with improved lead times.
Our assessment will be documented in a technical report and we can integrate the revised/new thresholds in an updated/new procedure or plan. We can also advise on contractors who install telemetry equipment and warning signage to make your flood warning system operational.
Our team of specialist consultants will help your organisation to build new capabilities from the ground up. RAB will start you on your flood warning journey and provide a roadmap of future improvements based on your specific circumstances and our knowledge gained over many years working with other agencies.
When implemented correctly, a flood forecasting system reduces the impact of flooding by enabling earlier flood warnings, giving as much time as possible to those in charge of carrying out flood procedures.
At RAB, our flood modellers specialise in developing and delivering “real-time” flood forecasting models and systems. We are a Deltares partner and able to offer Delft FEWs system setup and configuration. Wherever you are in your flood forecasting journey, our consultants are able to support you to develop and implement your chosen solution.
If your organisation already has a system in place, our specialists can offer performance testing for existing forecasting assets, catchment schematisation and real-time model calibration.
Why use RAB?
“We are an independent consultancy and therefore able to make an impartial recommendation from any of the forecasting systems available in the market that best meets your requirements.” – Claire Raw, Senior Resilience Consultant at RAB
Planning applications may require a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan to demonstrate that the residual flood risk can be effectively managed. We combine flood risk management and emergency planning expertise, enabling us to design a bespoke and robust Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan for developments.
This type of plan documents roles and responsibilities, triggers, activation process, resources and response arrangements. It is written for the end user of the development or the facilities management provider (if based on site). Speak to our team if you require such a plan as part of your planning application.
Effective flood responses rely on thorough planning and preparation. Documenting arrangements will help you to deliver a professional, efficient response when the need arises. Our consultants can support you to design a clear and usable plan. As an operational plan, it will focus on what your staff need to do; it will document what response structure and roles are required, when such personnel need to mobilise (the activation process) and actions to take before, during and immediately after flooding in the form of checklists/action cards for key roles.
The flood incident preparedness services developed by RAB are built on our many years of experience of working with UK Category 1 and 2 Responders, international organisations and private sector clients.
A flood forecasting and/or warning system and flood response plan is only valuable if people use it to take appropriate action. It is crucial that arrangements are embedded through regular use; in between flood incidents this is achieved through training and exercising.
We develop and deliver bespoke training and exercise packages designed to build capability and ensure that your systems, plans and procedures are fit for purpose.
RAB offer a wide variety of approaches to training to ensure we engage all learning styles; from traditional classroom to webinars, on-site training, tabletop exercises and more. We will work with you to design training programmes which meet your needs and build confidence in the newly embedded systems, plans or procedures.
Collecting data during and after flooding is crucial for the continued improvement of your flood forecasting and early warning service. Live, digitised flood mapping and analysis can be used during an event to understand and communicate event scale to stakeholders and communities, but also post-event to identify areas for improvement. Our post-event analysis service provides a review of the flood warning areas, real-time model calibrations and overall performance assessment covering the entire event.
If the service you’re looking for isn’t featured above, we might still be able to help. Get in touch to discuss your requirements today.
Ready to discuss your project with the experts?
Our friendly and professional team are available to answer any queries you may have and arrange a quote for you – free of charge.
Working with RAB
A passionate and dedicated team
All of the specialist knowledge required to deliver the best solutions for your project, in house.
National project coverage
Thanks to multiple office locations, we’re able to serve clients nationwide. We even deliver projects internationally.
A highly bespoke service offering
Your circumstances and requirements are unique, so we tailor our services to achieve better project outcomes.
Leading the industry
We’re a team of innovators, always keen to challenge existing methods to achieve the best possible results.
15 years of quality
RAB have built an established reputation for high quality work and outstanding customer service.

Get in touch with the flood forecasting and warning experts.
Our dedicated team are available to help assess, present options and deliver improvements no matter the size, scale or nature of the challenge. To request a quote or to discuss your requirements, get in touch using the form below or call 0330 2236475. We aim to respond to your flood forecasting or early warning enquiry within 24 hours.
Outstanding service
“Yes we have got it through, thanks very much for getting that turned around in time!! Great job. Many thanks for all your help, I may be back in touch if we need a hand with conditions.”