The Property Flood Resilience (PFR) team at RAB have been out on-site this month providing support for residents in Coventry as part of the Government’s £5.2 billion investment in flood and coastal erosion risk management.
The Allesley Flood Risk Management Scheme is a collaborative project between the Environment Agency and Coventry City Council. It includes a wide range of home improvements, flood resistance measures, and training to residents in areas that have previously been affected by flooding events.
Most recently the RAB team have been working in conjunction with the Environment Agency and Whitehouse Construction to guide residents through the installation of resistance measures, promoting personal flood plans, highlighting the importance of product maintenance, and promoting the Environment Agency’s flood warning service.
Our team were delighted with the uptake from the community, and the overall outcomes from the day. We look forward to working closely with the Environment Agency and other partners on future projects and events.

Abdul R Khan, our Assistant PFR Consultant, providing support to a local resident along with the colleagues from the Environment Agency.

Experts from Whitehouse Construction were also involved in the training.
Further information on the Property Flood Risk and the services that RAB provide is available here on our website: You can also get in touch by email ( or call our head office in Lichfield on 0330 223 6475.