Celebratory Chocolate Cake From Contented Customer!

All the teams here at RAB are proud of the work we do for our customers, and take great satisfaction when we get excellent reviews and feedback. Occasionally, the customer is so pleased that we get gifts delivered to our offices!

And as you can see from the pictures, this was recently the case when a client sent us the most wonderful home-baked chocolate cake following our support to successfully overcome planning authority objections for their property development!

Their initial proposal was for a new detached dwelling with two parking spaces in south Staffordshire. The site is located in Flood Zone 3 due to proximity to a brook, but a detailed flood modelling assessment indicated the site and access would remain dry except in extreme flood events. Planned mitigation also included suitably elevating the finished floor level.

Despite this evidence and mitigation, the initial planning application was refused. RAB supported the client through the appeal process, helping to write a statement of the case which included evidence that building the proposed development was not expected to increase flood risk elsewhere.

The client won the appeal, overturning the original decision, and planning permission for the development was granted. Thomas Haskey, a Senior FRM Advisor at RAB was involved in the project and supported the client through the appeal process. And it was only fair that he got the first slice of the home-made cake!

RAB deliver a wide range of Flood Risk Management services for private clients, commercial businesses, and public sector organisations. More information is available here on our website, or you can get in touch for an informal discussion on your specific project by email to enquiries@rabconsultants.co.uk or call our head office in Lichfield on 0330 223 6475.