RAB Consultants is a business who cares about the environment, we are therefore delighted to announce that we successfully met the requirements of ISO14001 with our Environmental Management System (EMS) and have become certified!
Our Environmental Management System demonstrates our commitment in protecting the environment and reducing our impacts by promoting good environmental practises. It also provides assurance to our staff, customers, suppliers and stakeholders that we take our environment commitment seriously.
We will continue to operate to a high and improving standard of environmental good practice and will promote sustainability through our professional flood risk and resilience services. All staff are committed to our Environmental Management System.
As part of the EMS, we have identified and assessed our significant environmental aspects, set objectives to reduce the impact of these significant aspects on the environment and implemented procedures and a monitoring system to help us achieve these. In addition, where appropriate we will offset our carbon emissions through an approved scheme.

Our Environmental Policy which represents the framework for planning and improving the EMS and setting environmental aspects and objectives is available to our clients, customers and public on request.
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