The team at RAB are increasingly being commissioned by local authorities to provide flood risk expertise for planning applications. This includes the technical review of the drainage and flood risk aspect of planning applications including the discharge of relevant conditions.
The flexible nature of the relationship with local authorities also provides developers with an option to ‘fast-track’ their applications with regards to drainage and flood risk aspects, rather than wait-in-line for the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) to respond.
With one of our current LLFA partners there is an extended review option, so a developer can choose to pay a (predefined) technical review fee to speed up their planning application timeframe. Furthermore, charging the fee means that there is no cost to the local planning authority for this service and decisions are confirmed within an appropriate timeframe.
RAB also provide an expert technical resource to support the Lead Local Flood Authority Statutory Consultee role for both major planning applications and minor applications, including pre-application discussions, outline and full applications, reserved matters, and discharge of conditions. We can also attend on-line meetings with applicants when required.
Please get in touch with us for further information and examples of where we have saved both time and costs for LLFA’s. Our two key leads on these services are Dr Alexandros Tsavdaris ( and David Schofield ( Or you can call our head office in Lichfield on 0330 223 6475.