The Flood Risk and Drainage team at RAB recently unboxed a set of advanced computers to support their work and also help towards their Net Zero Business Pledge.
The new technology will significantly decreasing the amount of time it takes to run modelling software and produce data output. The increased capacity also facilitates improved parallel working. This directly benefits the client in terms of timescales and cost.
And in a world where technology is an essential part of our daily lives at RAB, it’s important that we consider not just its functionality but also its environmental impact. The suite of computers is TCO Certified and achieves EPEAT Gold (the EPA’s Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) and as such meets the highest standards to minimize their overall environmental impact throughout their lifespan.
Not only do these laptops promote the use of recycled materials, reduce the reliance on petroleum products and minimise their carbon footprint, but they also provide us with the flexibility to work seamlessly in both office and remote settings.
With our hybrid working arrangements, eco-friendly laptops have allowed us to reduce the environmental impact of our day-to-day lives while increasing our productivity with faster, more efficient equipment.