Flood risk management and modelling is an increasingly important aspect for developers and planners to take into consideration. RAB Consultants have an experienced team of hydraulic modelers who use industry-leading software such as Flood Modeller Pro, TUFLOW and HEC-RAS to investigate flooding problems, assess alleviation options and inform risk management strategies.
We can also produce high-level indicative fluvial flood extent maps which give a quick and cost effective summary of development viability. This has proven to be an attractive product for many of our clients who want an initial assessment of development opportunities for sites, when there is no modelled flood data available or existing flood maps are questionable. This cost effective and quick process can be undertaken at an early stage to investigate project feasibility and flood risk constraints without the initial investment for a detailed model.
Further information about flood modelling and some example case studies are available via the navigation links at the top of this page. Or you can contact us directly via: enquiries@rabconsultants.co.uk or at our head office in Lichfield on 01543 547303.