September, 2020:
Major flooding was experienced across the Metropolitan Borough of Doncaster on the 7th to 10th November 2019 on a scale not witnessed since 2007 and not seen for many decades before that. As a result, RAB Consultants were commissioned to undertake a Section 19 Flood Investigation in line with Sub-Section 2 of Section 19 of Flood and Water Management Act 2010 on behalf of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council.
Flooding primarily affected the five communities of: Bentley, Scawthorpe, Fishlake, Conisbrough and Tickhill. In addition to these, numerous other flood incidents occurred throughout the Borough which were also reviewed as part of the work.
The investigation involved:
- The collection, processing and analysis of extensive data.
- Site visits to the affected areas.
- Consultation with communities affected and organisations involved in the flood response.
- Assessment of the primary flood mechanisms
- Assessment of the secondary, complex flood mechanisms and interactions.
- Identification of lessons-learnt and the viability of flood alleviation / flood risk reduction options at catchment-level, community-level, street-level and property-level.
Products included:
- GIS maps showing flood extents, flood flow routes, affected areas, flood impact and formal and informal flood assets.
- Flood questionnaires to capture the experience of communities affected by the flooding.
- Community Infographics summarising the underlying flood risk at each affected community along with flood impacts and event timelines for the November 2019 event.
- A Section 19 Flood Investigation summary report.
The report has now been published by Doncaster MBC.