As you aware, this is an unsettling time for everyone and we are continuing to closely monitor and take guidance from the World Health Organisation, Public Health , the NHS and the Home Office to keep our colleagues, customers and the community safe.
Following the Prime Minister and First Minister (Scotland) announcements our teams are now working remotely, making every effort to continue to deliver our services with minimum disruption to you.
The following measures have been put in place.
Project meetings:
Remote meetings will be arranged to ensure projects continue to be delivered to client needs. Where meetings are a necessity, social distancing and other strict control measures will be followed.
Training and exercising:
We will communicate with clients to assess whether face to face training will take place or be delayed. Remote training courses will continue without disruption.
Site visits and asset inspections:
If a site visit is a necessity, we will communicate with you remotely to make appropriate arrangements. During site visits, social distancing and other strict control measures will be followed.
Property Flood Resilience:
We will be avoiding internal inspection and face to face meetings. In the meantime, we will be revising our data collection process.
Business Continuity:
We are responding to requests for business continuity support in the planning and response to COVID-19.
We are public sector framework providers for business continuity. Please do let us know if you need our help in any way.
I want to thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times. From everyone at RAB Consultants, we wish you continued health, safety and wellbeing.
Best Wishes,
Russell Burton
Managing Director
T. 01543 547303