Introduction to Structured Exercising – A seminar for emergency exercise planners to reflect on their…
Business change recommendations to enable Northamptonshire County Council to implement new duties under the Flood and Water Management Act
The purpose of our study was to provide a framework for the management of water and…
Flood asset inspection and flood asset registers for risk management authorities
We are the Environment Agency’s official supplier of the Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion Asset…
Flood risk and surface water drainage assessments for 8 sites in Shropshire to obtain Code for Sustainable Homes credits (SUR1 & SUR2)
The Code for Sustainable Homes (The Code) is an environmental assessment method for rating and…
Exercise PLUME, a series of 12 live exercises to test new arrangements for managing major air quality incidents
In the aftermath of the Buncefield oil storage depot fire and explosion, RAB Consultants was…