Drainage Strategy & Design

Sustainable drainage solutions designed by the experts

Utilise sustainable solutions that meet the planning requirements for your project

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are the best and most environmentally friendly way to manage the quantity and quality of surface water drainage from the built environment. 

Delivery of SuDS is a primary requirement for all developments within the planning system. All planning applications for major development need a SuDS strategy and, in many cases, even minor developments require serious consideration of drainage at the planning stage. 

We have the right people and the right tools to help you achieve a sustainable solution to the drainage needs of your site, and meet the necessary planning requirements.

Request a call back to discuss your sustainable drainage requirements or any other enquiry with the team at RAB.


Drainage Strategy & Design Process


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Sustainable Drainage FAQs

SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) are innovative and environmentally friendly approaches to managing surface water drainage from urban areas. They aim to mimic natural drainage processes by storing, slowing, and cleaning water runoff before it enters watercourses or sewers.

The main objectives of SuDS are to manage the quantity and quality of surface water runoff, reduce the risk of flooding, protect water resources, enhance biodiversity, create amenity value, and promote sustainable development.

SuDS systems differ from traditional drainage by focusing on natural processes and techniques, such as permeable surfaces, swales, detention basins, and green roofs. They aim to slow down and treat runoff rather than rapidly channeling it away, which is common in conventional drainage systems.

SuDS play a vital role in sustainable development by minimizing the environmental impact of urbanization. They help reduce flood risk, prevent pollution, conserve water resources, enhance green spaces, and promote a more resilient and sustainable urban environment.

SuDS systems typically include features like permeable surfaces (e.g., permeable pavements), detention basins, green roofs, swales, filter strips, and wetlands. These components work together to manage surface water in an environmentally friendly manner.

SuDS may be mandatory for new developments, depending on local regulations and planning requirements. Major developments often require a SuDS strategy, and some regions or countries have specific regulations in place.

Retrofitting SuDS into existing developments or urban areas is possible and often involves creative solutions. These can include adding permeable surfaces, green infrastructure, and localized SuDS features to manage runoff more sustainably.

Implementing SuDS in urban areas can lead to reduced flood risk, improved water quality, enhanced green spaces, increased biodiversity, lower maintenance costs, and a more attractive and sustainable living environment.

Many regions have design guidelines and standards for SuDS, which may vary. In some cases, international standards like CIRIA’s SuDS Manual offer comprehensive guidance for SuDS design and implementation.

Drainage Strategy & Design Case Studies


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