Wolverhampton City Council commissioned RAB Consultants to refine and embed its major incident response capability in time for the Olympic Torch relay event within the city.
For this project RAB provided embedded consultants within the Council as this was deemed the best and most appropriate use of project resource. We collected and reviewed relevant documents and consulted UK emergency planning professionals to identify current good practice. From this, we produced a refined Incident and Emergency Management Policy Statement and an interim Major Incident Response Plan. We facilitated workshops with the Council Directors and Department Leads to identify the best way to embed this capability across the organisation.
Based on the workshop outputs RAB Consultants then:
- Designed a new intranet site for incident and emergency management information and operational plans;
- Produced briefing presentations for managers to cascade to their staff;
- Designed and delivered training for training packages for directors and managers response role;
- Designed and delivered a table top exercise for 80 council managers to test the new Major Incident Response Plan and the Olympics’ Events Team plan;
- Maximised the use of flow charts and action cards in the Major Incident Response Plan and included templates and tools for the Silver Incident Commander to use.
The feedback from the table top exercise was used extensively in producing the final version of the Major Incident Response Plan and in identifying other improvements to ensure Wolverhampton City Council has an effective incident response capability.