Defra’s aim for the exercise was to conduct a wide ranging and publicly engaging exercise that tests the arrangements across England and Wales to respond to all aspects of severe, wide-area flooding. In order to deliver this ambitious aim we developed a unique concept that would enable numerous local “bolt on” or “plug & play” exercises to run simultaneously with the national “core” exercise.

We used the feedback from the workshops to present options to the project team and developed the exercise specification and supporting documents. We also assisted in the gathering, analysis and reporting of expressions of interest from potential participants using web based survey tools. The concept allowed a wide spectrum of involvement from government ministers in the Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBR) right through to local communities, schools, business and householders.
As part of the operational delivery of Exercise WATERMARK, RAB Consultants designed, planned and delivered a ‘bolt-on’ exercise for Hampshire and Isle of White Local Resilience Forum and developed the exercise “plug and play” packs and scenarios for communities and businesses.